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Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Death of Internet Explorer

Does anyone still use IE?  Well they probably shouldn't after Google releases their new Chrome update.  It promises to vastly increase download speeds (due to a new compression algorithm).

This is good news for mobile users because browsing will cost less in data usage and battery consumption!

So what browser do you use most?


Anonymous said...

Google Chrome is better. Internet Explorer is slow.

Anonymous said...

Google chrome is better. Internet Explorer is slow. They need to make IE faster and add features to win people over.

Anonymous said...

I believe Internet Explorer is a dead browser, while they made some updates, its not reliable and doesn't seem to always work. Google Chrome has been a great browser with fast speeds but personally I use safari on my mac because it has proven to be faster than chrome on my mac (and in general) and I like the modern UI of safari and how well it works with mac.

Anonymous said...

Here is a link that help supports the idea that chrome is a growing browser.
This link shows a graph that show the increase in chrome users compared to the slow decrease of people using other browsers.