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Thursday, February 25, 2010

Inside Joke

If you know a little about Java and if you saw Avatar, you'll love this FoxTrot comic strip!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Computer Engineer Barbie

Computer Engineer Barbie, complete with glasses, blue-tooth headset and lap top. I like it! I wonder if Computer Engineer Ken would look like Bill Gates or Stephen Jobs?

Olympic Cowbell App

Say you're at the Olympics and you're watching Lindsey Vonn race and you want to encourage her. You're not going to take off your mittens and clap, that would be too cold. So you ring your cowbell. But wait, you forgot your cowbell!! No worries, "there's an app for that." Cowbell2010

Seriously. This .99 cent app for iPhones will make a cowbell sound when you shake it.

Cat Face

I needed a pick-me-up today, and my students Sam and Ben suggested Cat Face. You just got to watch it to understand, I can't explain it.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Superbowl Ads

Superbowl Ads, which is your favorite? My AP class decided the "Doritos Play Nice" one was the best.

Oh yeah, and Congrats to the Saints