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Friday, February 25, 2011

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is now available for mobile devices (phones, tablets, iPods). Just point your phone's camera at a restaraunt, and it shows you its menu.
If you're not sure what Augmented Reality is, check out this short explanation from Common Craft.
If you want to write your own AR layers, check out the new developement site, Daqri.
This is as exciting as the invention of the internet! This may lead to the replacement of the internet. Who needs a desktop anymore?
What kinds of layer would you like to see written. So you're walking down the street and you want to know more about.....

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Computer wins at Jeopardy

Computer Scientist created, programmed, and kicked-butt with their computer named Watson. Watson easily beat the very best humans in the game of Jeopardy. This was quite an accomplishment, and quite a collection of hardware.

Can you imagine spending years of your time on a project like this? Can you image being paid to do this kind of job?

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Favorite Super Bowl Advertisement

So which was your favorite? You can view them here. I gotta say, watching Roseanne Barr get clobbered by the lumber in the 2nd quarter was a highlight of mine.

Also, the Groupon ads in the third quarter are getting a lot of grief for being tasteless.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Colleges using blogs to connect with their students

Here's a look at the 50 Best Ways Schools use Social Media. Most all of these schools use blogs, either through office school sources, or unofficial campus groups, to communicate their their students. That's a lot of web sites and messages coming at you. Eventually, you will need a "reader" like Google Reader to keep track of all this stuff.

Can you ever see yourself being a blogger? What topics would you find interesting to follow?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

What do you know?

Provide us a link to something interesting you have read on the internet. It will be fun to come back here and read other people's posts. (No games, please. Remember to keep it "school-appropriate")

For example: Did you know that Anderson High School is haunted?