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Monday, March 23, 2009

Please explain Twitter to me!?

I don't get Twitter. I've played around with it a few times, but I always loose interest. It's like the status-only part of Facebook, but more open. So you can follow anyone you want, you don't have to ask their permission.

Rock bands have twitter feeds. So if you really like a particular band, you can follow them on Twitter and whenever a band member feels like posting, you will immediately be able to read what ever was on his/her mind.

I guess I just don't care what so-and-so had for breakfast.

I heard this about a travelling taco stand in Los Angeles that makes really tasty Korean/Mexican tacos. Where ever they decide to drive and sell from, they put out a "tweet" about their location, and hundreds of people then know where to go. It better be a good taco!

Can someone explain why I would want to use Twitter?


Doomcop said...

I don't see the point either. No offense to people who use twitter, but I doubt anybody cares to know exactly what you're doing at any given time.

DJ said...

Twitter is a myspace and facebook but u can do it at anderson high school area