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Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Favorite Student Sayings this week

"My life is a fatal error" - No, it's not a call for help. It's a reference to an error message you get when you write a program that doesn't work

"My life is a null pointer exception" - same

"F7 is my Best Friend" - A reference to how dependent we have become to the spell checking on computers.

"Wow, I'm a hypacrit" (misspelling intended)- A blog post from a student that harassed another poster for bad spelling, but then misspelled things in his post.


DJ said...

what up

Doomcop said...

Ignoring the off-topic and completely unnecessary post, I didn't even know there was a hotkey for spell check.

Icy Auron said...

Yeah, F7 in Word.

Brandon Wilton said...

The hotkeys are even more proof of how lazy americans are, we can't just go to EDIT then click SPELLCHECK. It just takes to much work.

Joe R said...

F7 is one of the most used keys on my keyboard. I also use Crtl Z (undo), C (copy), V (paste), Y (redo) and even O (open) when I do not want to go through the file menu in word. What are your favorite shortcuts or key strokes?

Icy Auron said...

Same, Joe. I use all of those as well as Ctrl+S, Save, Ctrl+A, Select All, Ctrl+P, Print, Ctrl+B/I/U, Bold, Italics, Underline, respectively, and Ctrl+F, Find.