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Monday, October 31, 2011

New hardware and software is always coming

A new processor / chipset from Intel, the i7 and a new Windows 8 operating system from Microsoft just reminds me that nothing stays the same. The processor claims "visibly smart performance" (higher graphics quality and better TV support). While Windows 8 is a redesign to accomodate touchpad input.

And of course there was the new iPhone 4s, which had records sales during its first week on the market. Yes, Siri is very popular.

What else is new out there?

Friday, October 28, 2011

Modern Warfare 3

Modern Warfare 3, the "most anticipated game ever", according to my students, is scheduled to be released Mon Nov 7th at 11:59 pm. The great news is that Tues Nov 8th is a teacher in-service day, meaning the students can stay up all night playing!!!!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Nanotechnology, Past and Present

Our idea of nanotechnology started with the dream of K. Eric Drexler in the '80s, who had to prove his idea to skeptics who believed it would never happen. The technology must be anywhere from one nanometer (one billionth of a meter) to 100 nanometers long. Scientists are focusing not on creating invidually operating nanobots but on machines made of millions of nanobots.

Scientists have divided nanotechnology into 4 generations. The first, which we are still on, is to create devices that do one specific task. The second generation can multitask. Scientists are just now entering the second phase.

Some day in the future, nanobots could be used for medicine, electricity, or even advanced weapons. This could even cure cancer. What other uses could this have?


Is Iphone 4S worth the cost?

All my years of having a Ipod touch First to Fourth Generation, Ipod Nano and having a iPad. IPhone 4S is the biggest Rip out ever! Because the Iphone and Ipod Touch Fourth Generation were the best apple devices ever (in my opinion). Because they had Retina display and a really fast hard drive and thousands of application and feature that will make apple the number one company.

But the new iphone 4s is a rip out because it the same iphone 4 but i bit faster, a ios 5 and and a feature called siri, which is like voice search where you can use your voice to find something. in my opinion, i think you should not buy this phone, unless your phone is a third generation or broken. if the iphone had 3d effect and had feature that the android has like edit the home page with widgets or have a android market store but a apple version. but dont buy the phone if your rich.

Murder by malware: Can computer viruses kill?

Some people believe that it's impossible for a computer virus to be able to kill people. Though it seems like it would be impossible, in 2008, a computer virus was the murderer of 154 people from Madrid Spain.

While people were flying on an airplane comming from Madrid Spain, a trojan virus had infected the central computer system of the plane. This system was used to make an alarm go off which told the grounding gear to come out so the plane could land. This virus caused the alarm to not go off, causing the plane to crash because of trying to land without its landing gear.

So you tell me, do you think that a computer virus has the capability to kill?

Nissan Developing Mind-Reading Cars

Researchers at EFPL have been working with Nissan to create a mind-reading car that can anticipate the drivers next move. Upon entering the car, drivers would put on a helmet that would moniter brain activity and eye movement patterns. The new system would use statistical analysis that would know you were thinking "turn left" before you actually started to actively think it.

One of the problems discussed about this new technology is what if you were lost? How would the car know where to turn if you yourself don't even know where to go? While there are a few disadvantages of this system, there are also many good things that would come out of it. Cars would be able to communicate with eachother and dramatically decrease the risk of a collision. What do you think about this new technolgy? Is it a step in the right direction, or a step in the wrong one?

Click here to read more

ALPHA DOG DARPA ROBOTIC all terrain mule-poodle

This robotic mule is a prototype. It operates with a mix of GPS and computer vision, along with computers and hydraulics. It can self- right itself. It can walk up to 20miles with out refueling. It can handle steep inclines and freezing water. DARPA will have a production ready one by 2012 and will be tested in the field. This will save soliders the problem of carrying up to 70 pounds on their backs and clambering rough terrain that vehicles can't reach. This can make a huge difference in battle. How could this change battles in the future?

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

the worlds most powerful telescope

The telescope is named ALMA and it's currently being built on the chajnator plataeu in the andes mountains. the surveying of the site began in 1995 and so far there are 20 antennae in place. when it's done there will be about 66 antennae each placed between 150 meters and 10 miles.

Depending how far apart they are determines what you can see if they are close together they act like a wide angle lens but far apart you can focus in on single stars or galaxys lightyears away. recently scientists tested ALMA using 12 of the antennae and got a picture of the antennae galaxy showing things that scientists haven't been able to see before already it's better than the hubble telescope. the goal is to find our cosmic origin. how do you think this will change how we see the universe?

7 New Discoveries Baffle Scientists

Ninety-six per cent of the universe is missing. The effects of homeopathy don’t go away under rigorous scientific conditions. The laws of nature aren’t what they used to be. Thirty years on, no one has an explanation for a seemingly intelligent signal received from outer space. The US Department of Energy is re-examining cold fusion because the experimental evidence seems too solid to ignore. The placebo effect is put to work in medicine while doctors can’t agree whether it even exists. In an age when science is supposed to be king, scientists are beset by experimental results they simply can’t explain. Here are a few examples

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Online Gamers Crack AIDS Puzzle

As reported in Time Magazine recently, online gamers solved a molecular puzzle that has stumped "experts" for the past 10 years. And they did it in less than 10 days!!

They used a game called Foldit, which creates 3D models to work out the intricately folded structure of a key enzyme that lets the HIV virus to multiply. "Knowing its shape lets researchers figure out how to target the enzyme with new drugs."

Who says spending your entire weekend playing video games isn't being a productive citizen? What else does gaming prepare us for in real life?