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Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Battlefield 3
Bill Tummler
Period Five
November 21, 2011
Battlefield 3 has to be one of the best games that have ever been made, but it was not the most anticipated. Modern Warfare 3 which is the compition in the gaming market sold over 60 million copies in one day. Most people will always be Call of Duty fans but most people would think that MW3 looks just like Modern Warfare 2 which was the video game before MW3. BF3 has taken the video game market to the next level with destructible buildings, jets, helicopters, and also ground vehicles.
The think that I seem to like better in BF3 then in MW3 is that MW3 has looked the same since 2006 and is still selling more than BF3, but the graphics on BF3 are a lot better than MW3. They also look more realistic and more lifelike then other video games that are on the market. I think that this game and others to come will end up taking over Call of Duty.
So what my questions is what is next for gaming?
new technology
Gametel brings gamepad action to Android and iDevices

I think having this new device would be really great because it would be easier to play emulator on it without having to press a bunch of button and most phone emulators don’t support multi-touch. Also, you can plug this up on the tv and play on a larger screen. It also part of the phone so you can text and get back playing the game. And also I believe there are games in the app stores that support the controller, so I believe this controller will every useful.
Lightest Material

A group of researchers from HRL, CalTech, and UC Irvine. Created the worlds lightest material, 100 times lighter than Styrofoam! The material is a micro-lattice structure, With onlw 0.01 percent of the material solid. It consists of hollow tubing that are only 100 nanometers thick. It has a density of 0.9 mg/cc, lighter than aerogels, which are only 1.1 mg/cc.
It's also surprisingly strong and very shock-absorbent, due to all the air. It can be compressed by 50 percent and recover its shape. Highly unusual for a material that is metallic. It was actually inspired by architectural structures. The team looked at the Golden Gate Bridge and the Eiffel Tower to see how they are so light and yet so strong.
What do you think this material could be used for?
Aerovironment Nano Hummingbird UAV

A new technology emerging is essentially a Unmanned Aerial Vehicle but in Hummingbird form. Unlike Normal spy planes, This one has tiny paper wings used to control flight that beat 20-40 times per second. It also has a lightweight camera and microphone built inside. This kind of flying will allow the Hummingbird to maneuver in an out of small places like windows and other openings. The maneuverability of the Hummingbird is a huge advantage to the U.S. armed forces. It will be essential on missions where you need a camera and microphone in buildings and other inaccesible places.
Do you think UAV's will get any smaller in the future?
Monday, November 21, 2011
3DS, Bad for you?

Millions play 3ds. But could it hurt your eyes? Children under 6 should not play 3d mode and adults shiouldnt play for more then 30 minutes. This could strain your eyes. If that goes on for a while, it could leave you permanently blind.What other technology, one that is good for you, or can Nintendo fix this fatal flaw?
gas station in space

original article:
FPS War Graphically
The Best Concept Car Ever Made

Have you ever wondered if a concept car would ever have a slick look instead of a crappy box car look? Well i have and i found this brand new, amazing concept car. The car is a BRZ concept by subaru. It has a 2.0 liter boxer engine, which is what helps it get good gas mileage even looking slick. It has the latest brakes, along with 18 inch wheels, also only holding 2 people. Here's a picture of the new car.
If we can make a fuel efficient car look this nice now, how do you think the cars of the future will look?
Worlds Lightest Material,99.99 percent air

origonal article
Breakthrough metal is barely heavier than air
Friday, November 18, 2011
Next Generation of Tablets

If you don't get a new tablet for Christmas, it may not be a bad thing. The first quarter of 2012 should see several improvements in these devices. TabletPCReview is reporting on these upgrades. The biggest is the move from dual-core to quad-core processors. Both of the leaders in the $450+ field, Apple (iPad3) and Samsung (Galaxy), will have new hardware and operating systems soon.
- 4G option
- Note taking software
- Homework / Calendar software
- Shared phonebook, textmsg, voicemail with my phone
- Digitized Pen (for classes that need illustrations in the notes)
- Cloud storage for electronic handouts
- GPS for campus maps
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Do a Barrel Roll hits mainstream news

- Using Chrome (or other browers as long as they are up-to-date)
- go to
- Search "do a barrel roll"
- (Go on, I'll wait.......)
Monday, October 31, 2011
New hardware and software is always coming
And of course there was the new iPhone 4s, which had records sales during its first week on the market. Yes, Siri is very popular.
What else is new out there?
Friday, October 28, 2011
Modern Warfare 3

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Nanotechnology, Past and Present

Our idea of nanotechnology started with the dream of K. Eric Drexler in the '80s, who had to prove his idea to skeptics who believed it would never happen. The technology must be anywhere from one nanometer (one billionth of a meter) to 100 nanometers long. Scientists are focusing not on creating invidually operating nanobots but on machines made of millions of nanobots.
Scientists have divided nanotechnology into 4 generations. The first, which we are still on, is to create devices that do one specific task. The second generation can multitask. Scientists are just now entering the second phase.
Some day in the future, nanobots could be used for medicine, electricity, or even advanced weapons. This could even cure cancer. What other uses could this have?
Is Iphone 4S worth the cost?
But the new iphone 4s is a rip out because it the same iphone 4 but i bit faster, a ios 5 and and a feature called siri, which is like voice search where you can use your voice to find something. in my opinion, i think you should not buy this phone, unless your phone is a third generation or broken. if the iphone had 3d effect and had feature that the android has like edit the home page with widgets or have a android market store but a apple version. but dont buy the phone if your rich.
Murder by malware: Can computer viruses kill?

Nissan Developing Mind-Reading Cars

ALPHA DOG DARPA ROBOTIC all terrain mule-poodle

This robotic mule is a prototype. It operates with a mix of GPS and computer vision, along with computers and hydraulics. It can self- right itself. It can walk up to 20miles with out refueling. It can handle steep inclines and freezing water. DARPA will have a production ready one by 2012 and will be tested in the field. This will save soliders the problem of carrying up to 70 pounds on their backs and clambering rough terrain that vehicles can't reach. This can make a huge difference in battle. How could this change battles in the future?
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
the worlds most powerful telescope

7 New Discoveries Baffle Scientists
Ninety-six per cent of the universe is missing. The effects of homeopathy don’t go away under rigorous scientific conditions. The laws of nature aren’t what they used to be. Thirty years on, no one has an explanation for a seemingly intelligent signal received from outer space. The US Department of Energy is re-examining cold fusion because the experimental evidence seems too solid to ignore. The placebo effect is put to work in medicine while doctors can’t agree whether it even exists. In an age when science is supposed to be king, scientists are beset by experimental results they simply can’t explain. Here are a few examples
Read more:
Monday, October 3, 2011
Online Gamers Crack AIDS Puzzle

They used a game called Foldit, which creates 3D models to work out the intricately folded structure of a key enzyme that lets the HIV virus to multiply. "Knowing its shape lets researchers figure out how to target the enzyme with new drugs."
Saturday, September 3, 2011
What is Computer Engineering?
Sunday, July 24, 2011
Friday, May 27, 2011
Students write Android Apps
As an end-of-year project, some of my students, Ben, Boochi, and Samantha, choose to learn to write Android apps. They only had 2 1/2 weeks, but were able to put together a few interesting items.
They wrote an "excuse generator" which randomly combines words to sound like really high tech error messages, a decimal-to-binary converter, and a Pascal's Triangle generater of 1-8 degrees.
The Pascal's Triangle generater is published on The Market and can be downloaded for free. If you have an Android phone, my students would be thrilled to see it being downloaded and to have your comments/ratings.
Monday, May 2, 2011
High Tech Clothes

And there's other things happening. Check this out.
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
The Witness

You just gotta watch this to get it:
Friday, February 25, 2011
Augmented Reality

Thursday, February 17, 2011
Computer wins at Jeopardy

Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Favorite Super Bowl Advertisement

Monday, February 7, 2011
Colleges using blogs to connect with their students
Can you ever see yourself being a blogger? What topics would you find interesting to follow?
Thursday, February 3, 2011
What do you know?
For example: Did you know that Anderson High School is haunted?
Monday, January 17, 2011
First Nintendo Wii, now Nintendo 3D (without glasses)

Competition for iPad