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Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Online bullying

One way to protect yourself against online bullying, is to take a screen snapshot when it occurs. That way you have proof that someone was harrasing you. Here's how to use the PrintScreen button and Paint to do this.

Another idea is to talk about it. Tell your parents, teachers, whoever will listen. Keep talking until you find someone who will help you. If it's appropriate, talk to your friends also, so they can learn from the experience.

Online bullying is not acceptable. You don't have to take it.

Beyond Sticky Keys

I don't know how, but one of my students, Kyle, had a beeping noise everytime he moved his mouse. It was hilarious! He'd move it to save his work, it would beep all the while. He'd move it to shutdown, it would beep beep beep.

I don't know what sequence of keys does this, but it sure made me smile. Has this every happended to you? Have you had another strange phenomenon occur without notice?

BTW, a reboot fixed it.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Student Creativity - I Love it!!

I love days like today, when I gave my Web Design class and very open-ended project where they could use their creativity. Many students did wonderful things. Here are a few:

Lucus found the most fabulous background

Nick and Chris both worked with logo makers they found on the net

Justin and Emily have mad photo editing skills

I can't wait to see their final products. The winner will be posted at, so check it out in about a week!!

Quote of the Day

We were studying a difficult topic in my Programming class when my student, Brian, said "This is so easy I can't do it"

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Kurt Cobain is an Avatar in Guitar Hero

The widow and estate manager of Kurt Cobain (Courtney Love) approved the singer's image as an avatar for Guitar Hero. She probably thought it would be a cool way to reincarnate him (and make some more money).

But now she's mad, because the avatar is singing songs of Bon Jovi and the like. She feels this "exploits Kurt’s image in a manner anathema to the very essence of his music, spirit and essence"

I don't know what "anathema" means, but I'm guessing she doesn't have Bon Jovi on her mp3 player.

So here's my question: Who has the right to mess with a person's legacy? It's one thing for a star, say Michael Jackson, to do great and/or crazy things. And to create their own image in the public's eye. But what happens when they die, but their image lives on, and can be used in video games, animated movies, photoshopped into commercials, made to do things they would never have done in real life.

Have you seen any dead people reincarnated into entertainment venues? And did it change your impression of them?

Monday, September 14, 2009

Vint Cert, Inventor of Internet, at it again.

BBC had an interview with Vint Cert, the guy who invented the internet. It seems we're running out of unique addresses for networked devices. There's only room for 4.3 Billion computers, laptops, printers, cellphones, and those really smart refridgerators that know when they need a repairman.

So he's come up with a new version called IP6 which will allow 3.4 x 10^38 (That's 3.4 Trillion Trillion Trillion) devices to hook up. Think that'll be enough? What kinds of things will we want online in the future?

Thursday, September 10, 2009

College Credit for playing Wii

Students at Univ of Houston can take a class where they play Nintendo Wii. Ok, not just any game, they have to play Wii Fitness. And they have to play twice a week for 30 mins. But still, it's for college credit.

I guess the idea is to get more people moving and to hopefully entice them to try active things. So Wii yoga may encourage someone to take "real" yoga class.

Has anyone played Wii Fitness? What is it like? Do you actually work up a sweat?

Keeping your computer Safe

Hacker have an easy time of it.

Let's share things we can do to keep our computer safe:

1. Firewalls and Virus Protection software. You should either purchase these from your internet provider or you can buy/install your own. If you do it yourself, don't forget to update the virus list regularly

2. Update your web browser. The most common way that keystroke listener programs will hack you is through following web site links. Then they can learn your passwords. So if you haven't updated to Internet Explorer 8.0 yet, do it now.

3. Keep your email password different that other important passwords. Free email services make money by showing advertisements. They want it to be easy for you to remember your passwords. So it's also easy for others to hack your email password. So use a password for your other accounts, like Progressbook, online banking, etc so that if your email is hacked, that's as far as they can go.

4. Never click the "Remember Me" box. I know it makes it easier to get in and not have to remember so many userid/passwords. But it puts a cookie on your computer with your password in it. Hackers know where to look for these things.

What am I missing? What else should we do? Have you ever gotten a virus? What was it like?

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Doing Illegal Things on Internet = Jail

Here are some stories of people doing illegal things and getting trouble with the law. So be careful. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.

1. The boy who hacked into Sarah Palin's email account, is looking at 2 years jail time. Yes, you can pay $100 to a Chinese company to get someone's email password. But that's like looking at someone's diary. It's just wrong.

2. There was this girl who harrassed her old boyfriend using a voice changing app for the phone, called Spoofing and got 15 months in jail. OK, it might be fun to play a prank on a friend, but this girl went overboard.

3. A college student was convicted of downloading music illegally and sentenced to 3 month jail and $5400 in fines.

Do you know of other tales-of-caution we should know about. Other things we should be careful not to do?

Friday, September 4, 2009

The World of Numbers

So it is a friday, and my class was done with their work a little early, and so they wanted to know if they could play games. Of course, I said, "No". But they could surf the net and look for interesting things to read.

Andy found this one: . It shows how numbers are increasing for things like world population, cellphones sold, gas to the end of gas, death by cancer, number of cigarettes smoked. It's mesmorizing!

What is your favorite statistic? What other quantity would you like to see monitored?

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Funny Facebook Friends

I heard on the news about a pack of guerillas that has a facebook account and can be your friend. I guess the ideas is to promote understanding of these fine beasts in a fun and entertaining way. I wonder what their status updates could teach us about them.

A few months ago, I heard that Leonardo DaVince had an account. I guess "he" was posting from a daily diary that he kept in real life. What an interesting way to gain new insights into the man.

What other funny facebook friends have you heard of? Would you ever consider friending a fictional or non-human character. If so, who would you like to "converse" with?